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Shadows effect. Excellent and comfortable solution to create a beautiful shadow style and the very popular BabyBoomer effect. Also great for coloring the surface of 3D nail art. Comes with 2 + 4 spare sponge heads that can be used several times if cleaned and dried w...
Shadows effect.
Excellent and comfortable solution to create a beautiful shadow style and the very popular BabyBoomer effect.
Also great for coloring the surface of 3D nail art.
Comes with 2 + 4 spare sponge heads that can be used several times if cleaned and dried with a paper towel soaked in some Gel Cleanser.
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Kundenbetreuung (mon-fre 9:30 - 16:30)
Schneller und sicherer Versand
Unica Beauty Store
Via Zurigo, 1
6900 Lugano - Switzerland
IVA: CHE-496.518.926
Tel 091 921 10 24