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Luxury Pink Extension Gel - 15g

Luxury Pink Extension Gel - 15g
Luxury Pink Extension Gel - 15g

Luxury Pink Extension Gel - 15g

Special colored camouflage gel. - can be removed gently (soak off gels) - cures in UV light only in 1 minute - cures in LED light only in 30 seconds - cures in CCFL lamp only in 1 minute - breakproof gum gels (incredible flexibility) - aslo great for pedicure purposes - in exclusive gift box The ...

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CHF 23.90    CHF 14.35

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Special colored camouflage gel. - can be removed gently (soak off gels) - cures in UV light only in 1 minute - cures in LED light only in 30 seconds - cures in CCFL lamp only in 1 minute - breakproof gum gels (incredible flexibility) - aslo great for pedicure purposes - in exclusive gift box The use of Luxury Gels with other products: Acril Paint: The ready sculpted nail can be decorated with acril paints before covering it with Luxury Glossy Finish Gel.  We can use non-figurative and flower patterns also one movement technique or aquarell. Once the acril paint is cured, we can cover it with Luxury Glossy Finish then clean it. In case we want to color the whole surface of the nail we should use Polish-Gel instead of acril paint. Finally we cover the entire nail with Base/Gloss. This way the nail stays flexible and can be soaked off while removing. Color Gels: We can use any kind of Color Gel for the French end, except if we want to soak it off while removing. In this case we should use Polish-Gel. Also if we want to color the whole surface of the nail we should use Polish-Gel instead of Color Gel. Finally we cover the entire nail with Base/Gloss. This way the nail stays flexible and can be soaked off while removing. For extra design we can use: Glitter powders, dazzlings, foils, stickers, nets. These decorations should be built in between the layers of Luxury Gels. If we use these techniques the Luxury Gels will surely not lose their special properties which make them extraordinary.



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Via Zurigo, 1

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