Are you a big fan of Transfer foil? Let us introduce you the perfect implement to it. The clear Transferfoil gel is deep clear gel that can be applied both on shiny and matte surface; with its help, you can easily create the desired pattern, and the transfer foil adheres to it perfectly. ...
Are you a big fan of Transfer foil? Let us introduce you the perfect implement to it. The clear Transferfoil gel is deep clear gel that can be applied both on shiny and matte surface; with its help, you can easily create the desired pattern, and the transfer foil adheres to it perfectly.
Simple usage: with the help of a thin brush (Glamour Liner Brush #0) create the desired pattern on the nail with the Transfer Foil Gel, then after curing (for 1 minute in UV lamp, 30-40 seconds in LED lamp) press the back of the foil on the pattern with a firm move. After that, firmly remove the foil, and the stunning pattern is ready.
Note: The curing time depends on the UV/LED lamp, and on how thick layer of Transfer Foil Gel you used. Test your lamp before usage!
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