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Evolution Line the new line of Led Mystic Nails gel. The Gel Evolution Smooth Clear is a monophasic gel of medium viscosity, it can be used both for the extension of the nail and for the curvature. It is a gel that appears in transparent color and catalyzes in one minute in the UV36W la...
Evolution Line the new line of Led Mystic Nails gel.
The Gel Evolution Smooth Clear is a monophasic gel of medium viscosity, it can be used both for the extension of the nail and for the curvature. It is a gel that appears in transparent color and catalyzes in one minute in the UV36W lamp, 10 seconds in the LED lamp.
The Evolution line is a special Led line from Mystic Nails thanks to a special additive and the Anti-Heat technology, which does not cause any sensation of heat during polymerization. It is compatible with all other Mystic Nails gels, except with the Luxury line.
UV: 1min, LED: 10 sec, CCFL: 20 sec
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