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Mystic Nails proudly presents its new flagship in the category of sculpting UV gels called Deluxe Clear Gel being the member of our Classic Line gels. One-phase thick viscosity clear gel with fiberglass in the formula to ensure plasticity and durability w...
Mystic Nails proudly presents its new flagship in the category of sculpting UV gels called Deluxe Clear Gel being the member of our Classic Line gels. One-phase thick viscosity clear gel with fiberglass in the formula to ensure plasticity and durability with no heat formation during the curing. With its easy control and self-leveling capabilities this sculpting gel will become the favorite builder gel of beginner and advanced nail technicians as well.
- thick viscosity
- unique control, does not flow away
- no discoloration at all
- fiberglass formula
- durable and resistant
- no heat generation
- can be bent superbly
- suitable for competition purposes as well
- also great to strengthen natural nails
- curing: UV – 2 minutes; LED – 25 sec; CCPL – 10 seconds
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Via Zurigo, 1
6900 Lugano - Switzerland
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Tel 091 921 10 24