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Ultra glossy finsihing gel wich gives high glossy appearance and provides strength. The best UV finishing gel available! Use as a top cover on any artificial nail systems. This flowing viscosity glossy top gel does not leave tacky residue after curing so there is no need to clean the nails. Absol...
Ultra glossy finsihing gel wich gives high glossy appearance and provides strength. The best UV finishing gel available! Use as a top cover on any artificial nail systems. This flowing viscosity glossy top gel does not leave tacky residue after curing so there is no need to clean the nails. Absolutely 100% clear, no yellowing. Cures in 2 minutes in UV lamp, 1 minutes in CCFL lamp and 50 seconds in LED.
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Kundenbetreuung (mon-fre 9:30 - 16:30)
Schneller und sicherer Versand
Unica Beauty Store
Via Zurigo, 1
6900 Lugano - Switzerland
IVA: CHE-496.518.926
Tel 091 921 10 24