Silky shining Top Finishing Gel with mysterious pearl effect. Use as an overlay on any artificial nails (UV gels and acrylics as well). No wipe, mellow viscosity Top Gel with glowing shine and special pearly effect pigments. Features: - leave...
Silky shining Top Finishing Gel with mysterious pearl effect. Use as an overlay on any artificial nails (UV gels and acrylics as well). No wipe, mellow viscosity Top Gel with glowing shine and special pearly effect pigments.
- leaves no tacky residue
- pearly shine effect
- cures in UV in 2 min. (4x9W)
- 20 sec. curing in CCFL
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Via Zurigo, 1
6900 Lugano - Switzerland
IVA: CHE-496.518.926
Tel 091 921 10 24